Sunday, January 2, 2011


I've been a slacker with this blog. Some people would give up completely. Some people would scrap it and start a new one. But I'm fond of this one; and don't want to start over. But I figure perhaps I can be better about it.

Its a NEW YEAR after all.

So New Years brings about resolutions. I hate them; because people never keep them. Last year, I remember being REALLY annoyed with all of the people that joined the gym. Because all of a sudden there was no where for ME to park. Now that I don't belong to a gym (though I should) that wont bug me this year. So while I know resolutions are things you don't usually keep, I'm going to make them anyways. Because it never hurts to try.

My resolutions:
  • Get rid of the 15lbs I gained from last spring and summer from the damn Recess Eggs (this shouldn't be hard, since God felt the need to intervene and I have become almost allergic to them; getting sick every time I eat one of them yummy buggers)
  • Take better care of my skin. THis stems from my lovely facial. But this is also going to be my motivator for the weight thing. I need to do better ON MY OWN. But as a reward, if I do better on my own and start to get rid of my 15lbs (which I must reiterate is a MUST so that I can wear my dress in June), if I keep on track I will reward myself every 4-6 weeks with a facial.
  • Be happy. Attitude is a choice. I need to remember this. My seasonal affect is bad this year, so I need to do what I will to change that.
Wish me LUCK!

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