Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I'm sooo sorry Monet

I am feeling so horribly sad and guilty and angry right now. My sweet perfect Monet passed away this afternoon. I left her outside to play for a few hours as I always do. And when I went out to bring her in (ironically to take her to the vet) she was laying on her back legs in the air like she does when she's playing. I ran to her and she was warm, and she moved in my arms, but did not respond; now that my hysteria has calmed I know she was already gone when I found her. I drove as fast as I could to the vet. By the time I reached the parking lot rigor mortis had set in and I knew I had lost her.

The very kind vet assured me that even had I found her sooner there was nothing I could have done. He said it was likely a heart attack or seizure (possibly caused by heatstroke). And by the time I noticed the symptoms at her size she would be gone. But there is a part of me that says I AM to blame. I could have kept her INSIDE today and this may not have happened. I could have went to get her an hour sooner and she may have at least been with me if it was something unavoidable. Hindsight is 20/20.

She was only 5. She was the PERFECT pet. She never complained. She never barked, she let the kids maul her and she loved nothing more then the crinkle of the ham package. She was moms "favorite" and we were kindred spirits. She was a lazy girl just like me, but she managed to do it with spunk. She wasn't just a pet (my rabbit and fish are my pets) she was my baby and the favorite furbabie I had. If I could only have one animal in my entire life it would be her and I lost her much to soon.

Monet, I'm so sorry!


1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Oh Cecile! Please don't blame yourself. Sending lots of love!