Sunday, January 16, 2011

The look

My dear ole' husband is so picky.

We are headed out to BW3's for lunch. I am always down for BW3's but today I just want my sweatpants, not only for the comfort, but the warmth. I told him I'd go to lunch but I wanted to wear my sweat pants. He gave me "the look". I explained that they are WARM. He thinks jeans are warm too. I explained (and tried to make him feel sorry for me) that the only jeans I have that fit comfortably enough to go gorge on wings are my cute holey jeans and therefore NOT warm. I got "the look" again.

FINE I say and stomp away to his side of the closet. Where I swipe his uber comfy Twins' sweatshirt. If I have to be cold on the bottom I'm gonna be comfy and warm on top and maybe despite him; I'll spill some sauce on his best sweatshirt. So there! I guess I showed him!


1 comment:

Lori said...

LOL!! I have been wearing more "comfort" clothes lately too...for the same reason...