Day 4
Something you have to forgive someone for
I can definitely hold a grudge. I do it well. I know forgiveness is important, though I do have trouble believing EVERYTHING is forgivable. Plenty of people have hurt me, but most of those people are not part of my life anymore. If they are, they are a smaller part and I have let go and forgiven their indiscretions.
I'm searching my mind on this, and I'm honestly having trouble. In the process I thought of one thing to add to yesterdays (forgive myself for). And thats Monet. And the way she died. But I've already posted about that; so I'm not going back to it again.
So for now, I'm going to think on this.....if there is someone I need to forgive, then I'm not aware of it at the moment. And once I become aware, I will come share with you!
*****God obviously felt that he should help me with this. As I sat at the vet clinic waiting my turn; this tall woman walks out with a cat. And she walks like she has a stick up her bum (also similar to if you'd been riding horse for days). I think to myself...oh that reminds me of P@$$#. And instantly I'm filled with negative feelings, and I look again...sure as heck it IS P@$$#. Who of course I pretend not to recognize and get busy with my children and dog.
As I sit there, I think I really just don't like this girl. At all. At one point we were friends. Or so I thought. But then; she did the worst thing any HS girl can do. She slept with my boyfriend, whom I had been dating for 10 months. Why? I'm not sure. She always liked to be prettier then everyone, she liked to be popular, and she didn't have many female friends. Well no wonder if thats how she treated them. Now in most cases of infidelity I say you blame your significant other. Which I did. I still do. We broke up, though he groveled away. Eventually we did become friends again, but never the same. Usually I'd say they are the only one who has to answer to you. But when the case of the OTHER PARTY is a friend, well in that case they should be to blame too. What kind of friend does that to a person. I forgave him, but never her. Today I still am annoyed by the fact that she did that to me. I guess I'll never understand it. But at the end of the day; I should be thankful, because it led me to where I am today. So while I'll never be friends with P@$$# again, nor will I be a fan of her, right now I'm forgiving her. Obviously she needed him more then I did at that point, and I hope it led her to a better place as well.

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