Monday, January 17, 2011

Marry vs. Mary

Caden LOVES daycare. Mary and Gina are two of his favorite people. Or as he calls it "MaryGina".

Flash forward to dinner on December 31st (Happy New Years Eve!)

Izze: When I grow up I'm going to marry Matty *swoons*
Caden: I going to MaryGina

Awwwwwww......if only he could marry his great aunt; but no he doesn't want that; he just wants to go to Mary and Ginas and really didn't want to be left out of that conversation! He's done with Christmas break. LOL Now to teach him the difference between Mary and marry.


1 comment:

Rebecca said...

awwww! Katie told Chris that she wishes he wasn't in our family so she can marry him!