Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 2

Something I love about myself.

I told you this would be harder. I love a lot of things about my life (my job, my family, my friends), but about myself, thats difficult. I wish I could say I love my body. I'm working on that, even when I got to where I wanted it, I didn't quite master that before I let it go.

I think that I'm a generous person. I get that from my mom. I can't be as generous as her, because well I'm a little bit more poor. But I try to follow her lead. I try to help friends when they are in true need, I try to do nice things for people for no reason and I try to share what I have when I can.

Now sometimes this isn't noticed by others (and thats okay because thats not the point) and sometimes people might think quite the opposite. For example; my AWESOME group of friends is also very generous and likes to celebrate all of our new babies, we have a few girls who make quilts and other gifts and we are often asked to contribute to these. Often I am not able to participate, mostly because its a bad time. So I often wonder if these people think I'm being cheap (as I'm known to be). {do you notice something here? I'm worrying about what others think again...see day 1} But thats not the case, to me these gifts are nice; but they are just that a gift, and they are something that happens with or without my help. And I help when I can. So to them this may not seem like a trait of mine. But its there, I promise. It just happens when people aren't looking; when people DONT expect it; and when its something that truely makes my heart smile. Because those are the times that make it worth it.


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