Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 1

Something you hate about yourself.

Wow, so glad they started off on a positive note. I love that in a world where we work so hard to create self esteems of young girls and encourage self love, these kinds of things still fall to the negative first; my guess is that people can think of this one easily; or if they have trouble with it; its choosing between the many things. Where as day 2 will be a little more difficult.

But to the point; something I hate about myself.

I'm going with the first thing that comes into my mine. I hate how much I care about other peoples opinions. I hate that I worry if OTHERS think I look fat, I hate that I wonder if OTHERS think I have a stupid voice; and I worry that I wonder about OTHERS opinions when I try to make a decision that won't affect them.

I'm a people pleaser. I always have been; I probably always will be. When I was young I had to see a therapist for this. She found that my night terrors and anxiety all stemmed back to this fact. I had two homes and four parents who all expected very different things from me; and all I wanted to do was keep EVERYONE happy. So much so that I didn't know who I should be. I cared too much what OTHERS thought. I know this trait can be good; to an extent. But I take it over and beyond. I've gotten better at it. At least externally. Some may think I'm a "selfish" or a "me orientated" person. I put that show on; but at the end of the day I really am just worried about what everyone else thinks.

I dont know how to change that completely. I can keep it internal but I don't know how to extinguish it completely. If someone told me to; well I'd probably pretend I did just to keep them happy....because thats what I do :-)


Rebecca said...

Well, I love everything about you! You are a gorgeous, thoughtful, loving friend, mother, daughter and wife!

DokkestulDiscussion said...

Thanks Beebs :-) Its easy to be those things when I have friends like you who are the same! <3 u!