Once upon a time....God gave me cousins. I didn't want them at first, but the moment I met Bridgette, I changed my mind. I was a bit jealous sharing the attention with her, for 10 years our family had been "my show" but she was lovable and I adjusted. Then God gave us her sister, Linnea and I loved them so. I wanted to take them and put them in my pocket and keep them little and with me forever.

Bridgette, Linnea and I 1995
But God had other plans. He let us all grow older. I did not stay a teenager and they became them. But I still loved them and wanted to keep them just like that.
Me, Linnea and Bridgette 2009
God still went on with his plan and turned these young teenage girls into beautiful young women. Despite my arguments to the contrary. He did a good job with it though, and I love them still.
Bridgette, Me, Linnea 3/20/11
All the while this was happening, at my own home, I still lived as an only child. God knew I liked it this way. So he sent this pesky boy to work on the farm. From the time I was 15 this lil' kid hung around and I grew to love him too. He was a few years younger so I did my best to teach him how to be bossed around by a girl, how not to treat girls and how to swear. He was a nerdy lil' boy who grew into a nice young man. I think God sent him to help me adjust to sharing my mom. Because soon God sent me another brother, this time the real thing. The serrogate brother of mine still remained and I'm glad because I love my brother by choice as much as I love my brother of blood.

Matt, Carmryn and I 2003
Well that young man kept growing and growing and growing, God is funny that way. I got married. All of my people were there. My Bridgette she was 16. My Matt was not. Bridgette adored Matt but he was too old for her. So she decided to date a mini Matt. That was short lived and by the time Bridgette turned 18 she had convinced Matt of what she already knew. And so be it. Noone stops Bridge from getting what she wants.
Matt, Bridge and My lil' guy (their godson) 2009
This is the story of my babies. Who grew up too fast.
This is the story of why my brother is marrying my cousin and its perfectly legal and not a Jerry Springer story.
This is a story where my heart weeps with joy of things to come and sorrow for time that has gone too fast.
This is the story of a place which has been a second home to me for the past 25 years will soon mean so much more to me when on my 6 year anniversary my boy will marry my girl.
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