Pray for my Fairy Arms.
Today is Ash Wednesday. For Lent I have decided that in my quest to be more "Jesus like" I will give up swearing.
I started my day at work, where we went to mass. Taking 20 preschoolers to mass can be quite a stressful thing to do. You can definitely tell which kids are used to attending and which are not. But over all, they did well and I was very proud of my munchkins! I succeeded here on my Lenten promise.
I followed my morning with a good ole' Catholic school Ash Wednesday lunch of grilled cheese and tomato soup. YUM.
I spent the afternoon with a second set of munchkins on loan. (The afternoon class that I'm temporarily long term subbing for). Only 7 out of the 10 were there today so it was a quiet and calm afternoon. Still doing well with the swearing.
I brought my own two munchkins home and we decided to go to supper as a good little Catholic family (with a Lutheran daddy) at the local Mom and Pop "fried food" place and have some yummy fish! They all enjoyed it. Caden spent his supper singing "Jingle Bells" to the entire restaurant. I'm sure they enjoyed it. And if not, well we did.
We followed that up by a family trip to the grocery store.
As I lay in bed I'm realizing that the times its HARDEST for me to not swear, is when I'm writing on the computer and talking to my "imaginary" friends. Its just second nature in my mind for me to speak like a sailor. I have a work filter and when I leave there it seems to disappear! It doesn't help that we actually have a story that will tell you that Phuc is a mans name, though I've started using it in vain. Or that I type LMFAO a lot, because my friends really are hillarious. Lucky for me, we have a new meaning for that: Laughing My Fairy Arms Off. Which had me LMFAO even more. I like it, I'm sticking with it.
Fairy Arms.
So please fold your hands (on your fairy arms of course) and say a little prayer with me that I can work on expanding my filter into my daily life.

1 comment:
Oh I love your fairy arms, Cec :):)
And yes, Mr. Phuc is a REAL person from my church no less ;) Or he was there at some point!
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