Sunday, January 9, 2011

I'm S.A.D.


Seasonal Affect Disorder.


This has been my hardest winter to date. It could have something to do with me not taking my usual medicine. But when I tried, it made me sick :-( But I also think it could have to do with no "break". Last year I was able to make it through the winter with no medicine, because my medication came in the form of a VACATION to a warm sunny beach.

That short 8 day break from this bitter cold made the winter of it bearable. It made everything BEFORE the trip easy because there was a treat in site. The break gives you a renewed sense. Then the second half is bearable because the end is in site.

Kev keeps telling me that the end is in site. But I don't see it. And I need a break. I don't want to leave the house. I hate taking the kids to their activities (which usually we all enjoy), I hate grocery shopping (another thing I enjoy), I hate ANYTHING that requires me to leave my warm bed.

Kevin says we should move. That is not an option. If I couldn't leave my family for River Falls (70 miles), how would I move thousands of mile?

Vacations help, but unfortunately its not realistic for a teacher to leave for a week every January. Heck its frowned upon even on rare occasions. We have a week off for Christmas; but who wants to leave your kids at Christmas?! Or take the kids and have them miss all the parties.

So instead, I sit here and fester. I'm an angry little elf. And my poor husband just has to deal with it. I have to wonder what others do to help?

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