Day 9
Someone you didn't want to let go but drifted from
My best friend in college.Though we still text on random occasions: to trash talk football, to update on big events, and just to say hey.
But its not the same.
He was a friend I could say anything to. He gave me courage to believe in myself and helped me realize what I was worth. He turned my life onto the path that led me where I am now. I will forever be grateful for our friendship. His friendship was the most honest and true I've ever had. My relationship with my husband started as just that, a relationship and then led to friendship, and while he is my best friend, its a different kind of friendship then one that starts totally platonic. And I think life has room for all kinds.
Being that this friend was a guy; it was a tricky line to walk when he or I were in a relationship; and unfortunately a significant other got between us and put a rift that never quite went away. By the time we both understood what happened it was too late, and we were moving (figuratively and literally) in totally different directions. I miss the simplicity of the friendship. Though I do know at the end of the day; if I really needed him; all I would have to do is call. I still hate the distance that grew.

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