Day 13
A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough times
I can't think of just one band that has done this for me. In general music is very theraputic. Different songs for different reasons. If I had to choose one; I'd say Taylor Swift. Her songs can take me back to a moment in time at the drop of a hat. Every song SPEAKS. She has a way of making everyone feel understood and her lyrics are so real and relatable. When I have a bad day now; she is who I turn to.
Years ago; when things got hard, it would usually be just one song that would do it. Never a group that really stood out to me.
This challenge is starting to bore me. LOL I'm sorry for that. Its probably boring you too! I was gonna scrap it; but there are some up coming ones that I like. So for now; I'll keep truckin.

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