Thursday, March 4, 2010

The new Boots...

My baby just came flying up the stairs at mock 10 speed yelling "mom! mom!" Not the usual "mommommomm" but real words. I don't like it one bit. My baby is NOT allowed to grow so fast.

His favorites...."WOOOOOW!" "Yeeeeeah!" both of those always drawn out!

"Yeeeeah-sh" (yes)

"Ball!" (if he doesn't know what something is and he wants it, it becomes ball-though he does know what a ball really is)


Mitch! (Though JJ is really his favorite)

Getting Places
He can walk now, but thankfully he doesn't feel the need. Crawling is faster so while he will walk short distances he finds it much easier to crawl up right on just his knees in crawling walk. But if you could run a marathon based on your dancing skills, this kid would win the Boston. He dances like crazy....


He gets mighty confused when its time to eat. He THINKS he hates everything, and instantly shakes his head no at the sight of food. But then realizes you really have a cookie and his no turns into a yes...but since he doesn't really trust you, he keeps the no its a LARGE circle with his head. Undecided.


Dora asks....what letter is missng to help spell *#$# ?
And the answer is always "O!

"Will this help get out of the net?"
*Backpack circles a balloon*
"UuuuH" *with a head shake to mean no*

"Will this help get out of the net?"
*Backpack circles a feather*
"UuuuH" *with a head shake to mean no*

"Will this help get out of the net?"
*Backpack shows a scissors*
"UuuuH" *with a head shake to mean no*

(this should have been yes but he insists Dora is ALWAYS wrong, he must wonder why she deserves her own show when she needs sooo much personal help from him, where would she be without him....really he's more helpful then boots!)

And as I write this, Dora sings the "We did it" song and he comes flying in the kitchen (on his knees of course) to yell "yeeeeeeeeeeah!" as he dances that little watermelon head all around his broomstick body!

He cracks me up!



Lori said...

awwww, so sweet!!! Little Cade is getting so big and grown up!

Rebecca said...

I love him! I can't believe how big he is getting. It seems like yesterday he was born!