Friday, January 1, 2010

A NEW Decade!

When I think ahead to 10 years from now it seems like forever away!

When I think back 10 years ago, it seems like just yesterday.

That always baffels me. Thinking on the "decades" of my life is interesting, because being born in a "new decade" I count the decades of my life with the decades of time.

My first decade of childhood, is a blurred memory.

My second decade, the 90s. Most people hate that 1o year span of teen years but I really loved it. My classmates in high school had for the most part been together since we were 6. We were a family, and as family goes, we were NOT always a happy one, but we had fun. I remember those days as if they were yesterday. My first kiss, my first love, so many firsts. I'm not as close to all of those friends as I once was, but when we do see each other, its as if nothing changed. High school graduation, a bitter sweet milestone. Exactly a decade later, my baby girl Bridge had hers. Crazy. I sat at her graduation, feeling like it was just yesterday I walked those same halls and crowned Mary as she did. College started at the very end of that decade. I'd have to say that first semester, I would have rather been back in high school....wishing the decade wasn't closing. I rung in 2000 with my high school sweetheart babysitting for the naked family, a quiet evening for 20 year olds, but it summed up who I was then......No computers crashed, no crazy business, the world didn't end.......Y2K was nothing.....

The past decade....would have been my growing decade. I went from a spoiled teenager to a mature adult. Sure I'm still spoiled, but I'm now mature about it ;-) I found my place in college and can say they were some of the best years of my life! I am forever grateful to my bestest friend who helped me take big steps and let go of my past and find my way towards my future. We are not as close as we were then, as life obviously takes drastic turns, but he will forever have a place in my heart for that. In these last 10 years, I met and married my husband, I created friendships with awesome women who are some of the BEST people in the world, I had two children, I bought my first house, I started my first career (better late then never), and I learned a lot about myself and the world! I spent a lot of these 10 years looking forward to the next thing. It was a great 10 years. I rung in this new decade on another quiet family evening, playing games and having laughs with my dad's family and my husband....again, a calmer New Years Eve in comparison to the ones in the decade coming to a close, but nice all the same......

As I look forward to the upcoming 10 years and think of what I want, its something I've been working on for a year, but will continue with because its an important one. I have to turn 30 this year, and while I DONT love that idea, I've decided if I have to leave my 20s I will do so in the best shape of my life....both physically and emotionally. My daughter is in her formadable years, and if there is ANYTHING I can instill in her its to love herself, and I know the best way to do this is to lead by example. SO in this decade, I promise to love myself by taking care of me, and instead of hurring to the next thing, I am going to try to enjoy the little things. So far each decade has gotten better and better, and I hope to keep that up as time goes. In 10 years, when I look back, and my daughter has entered her teens (god help me), I hope to be able to say that once again.......the last decade is BY FAR my favorite :-)


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