Saturday, July 18, 2009


Daddy: Izze momma has a friend coming over.
Izze: Oh, well, is she NICE?
Daddy: Of course she is nice.
Izze: Good. (Pause) Is she PRETTY?!?!?!

I don't think it would matter either way to Izze, nice IS pretty in her eyes, but how silly of her to ask such a thing!!!! Deanna must have passed her test because she played with her all evening and even took her to show off her room. They didn't come back for quite some time. Kevin finally went down to break up the party, turns out Izze locked D in her room!!! (The lock is on the outside). She musta really liked her!!!!! Ha ha ha. Poor and patient D! Thats my angel Izze, the one others see.......

Fast forward to today, to OUR Izze. The one she saves for parents and grandparents. Izze is going on much too little sleep, I am tired after returning home from our run and am TRYING to pee in silence.

Izze: (barging into my bathroom) Momma. I'm staying overnight at Nana's.
Mom: NO, Izze you are not.
Izze: YES, momma, I AM!
Mom: No Izze, that is NOT an option.
Izze: (hands on hips, and head swaggering, and most sarcastic voice I've ever heard!!!!) Well what about a tubby momma, is THAT an option???!!!

Oh jeez. I about died. I did let her take her mermaid tubby at Nana's it seemed fair. Though I woulda rather wash her MOUTH with soap.


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