Friday, January 21, 2011

Space Aliens

Izze is a smart girl.
She likes to tell stories.
Sometimes this gets her in trouble.
We are working on telling the truth, telling a lie and telling a story (or teasing).

Today her teacher came up to me laughing in the hallway here is our conversation:
"So I hear Izze got LuLu from a space alien"
***Are you confused? Because I was
"First of all who is LuLu?"
"Her duck she has today"
"Well I suppose if she had it placed in her backpack without knowing, she may have thought space aliens magically left it there, though thats far fetched even for her."
***They received small ducks for our recent fundraiser
"No, not that duck, her stuffed duck"
***pause for momentary confusion, and then the light bulb turns on
"I think she meant 'I got LuLu from Space Aliens'.......

....... as in the restaurant.
At least for today I know that she was not telling lies or losing her space aliens.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

HAHAHAHA!!!! THIS IS HILARIOUS!!!!!! Poor Izze! She's was all about telling the truth! I laugh because I guess I never really realized how awkward that would sound when repeating it to others.....who have never BEEN THERE!!!! LMAO! This cracks me up!