Friday, May 29, 2009

My momma the stripper.....

Izze: Momma goes to work there all the time.
Adult: What does your momma do at work?
Izze: Momma makes moniess for Sunny D!
Adult: How does she make monies?
Izze: Dancin' on the stage!!!!

And there you have it folks. If you ever wanted to know what I do for a living. My daughter can explain it well. Lucky for me the number of people she knows, is small. They include a daycare provider, family and some neighbors. Also lucky for me, somebody from each of those groups attended the event at the High School (momma's work) tonight, so they know that what she really saw, was the young dancers performing, and NOT her momma. She did see some moms do a dance, and some dads do a dance (Neighbor Bob included). So the story may get more interesting with time. But for now, she sticks to the basics.

And on the way out, she announced to anyone who would listen.
"Bob does fireworks in the sky at night! That is naughty."
Eh sorry Bob!
Thats what we get for the police making a visit after the fireworks
demonstration last weekend.



DokkestulDiscussion said...

If only momma made that kind of money!!!!

130sbyThirty said...

HAHA!! My little cousin in early Elem. told his teacher that 'Daddy sells joints'. True - but Knees and Hip Joints. :)

Rebecca said...

Ummm Cec.....we know what you really do! **wink wink**