Sunday, September 9, 2007

Baby steps....

Step 1: Bring potty in house. Izze sees potty, screams hits it, will not go near it.
Step 2: Desensitize potty. Leave it in living room, get used to being in the room with it!
Step 3: Play with potty, take it apart, put it together!
Step 4: Sit on potty. Scream more, revert back to step one!
Step 5: Reapeat one through 4.
Step 6: Finally, mom and dad get candy. Sit on potty for one second per piece of candy, eat so many candys you have a tummy ache.
Step 7: Mom and dad realize they break the candy into smaller pieces.
Step 8: After 7 nights of sitting the potty. Tinkle in potty!
Step 9: Watch mom and dad go CRAZY, cheering, dancing, clapping, giving you lots and lots of gummys!
Step 10: Dump and flush potty! Whew...thats hard....

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