Wednesday, February 14, 2007

And the award for bad mom of the year goes to.....


Wow. Where to start. I'm one stubborn ASS. Lets start with that. I like to win, I like to be right and I'm in charge in this house! Or so I was until we decided to have a baby! All of a sudden there is someone else controling my body for nine months, then after that I somewhat get my body back and she controls my life. And 99% of the time, thats GREAT. I love it. But today, I am at my wits end!

Izze needs a nap, mommy needs a nap, EVERYONE needs a nap. But now that we have reached this GREAT milestone of standing in the crib (without reaching the one of figuring out how to get back down), naps are near impossible! She is about asleep, I lay her down, this is when she should take a nap. But no, instead she stands and SCREAMS. So I lay her down again, 73 seconds later, a standing screaming baby. I figure, be the nice mom, pick her up, rock her again. Almost asleep, lay her down 39 seconds, a standing screaming baby. I lay her down, she stands and screams. AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. She can't NOT nap, she is tooo tierd. I gave in, I will hold her while she naps. This should work right? NOPE! Moms holding me, it must be time to play with moms eyelashes or pick moms nose or pull moms hair. So I lay her down and this time, she hasn't got up. But she's surely not asleep. She is laying there sobbing until she is ready to puke. And I just don't know what to do, because this is one I'm just not going to win. I can NOT outsmart the 9 month old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh this is the worst part of being mom, the baby that you always want to hold and cuddle has found a way to bring you to wits end...and there is nothing you can do but let her cry it sucks is the WORST feeling ever!!! *hugs*